Thursday 28 July 2011

new project, big woop!

Hi guys,

so ive decided to drop the robotics project for now (is that a "aaaaah" i hear? dont worry it will be back) my current project is a DIY MIDI mixer (something like what PRO djs' use)
I have ALWAYS wanted one of these things, but they have ALWAYS been just a tad (read very) on the expensive side. The answer: go diy!

in actual fact i have been playing around with it a little and i had it all working (well almost) i just had all the components mounted on my desk... with prestick.

ill upload some pics of the finished component as well as t3h c0d3z when i am done with it, but in actual fact its relatively simple.

that's it for now... hopefully tomorrow i can do a short update (got a bit of soldering to do)


Friday 15 July 2011

First post

Hi all,

So this is my first post and I'm rather new to blogging :/  but i shall get there (how hard can it be?)

At the moment im working on a really small robotics project. It is basically an old RC car thats had all its RC bits stripped out, which will be replace with an Arduino or Freeduino and a couple of sensors

It is a four wheel drive car (basically), driven by two motors and has a third to adjust ground clearance. Whats nice about this setup is that it can turn on the spot.

The car in question

Yesterday i started working on some of the code behind the robot (the first stage: the movement.) which reads the state of 4 tactile switches (one for each direction: forward, backwards, left and right.) and then outputs a signal/s to the correct pin/s. Sometime in the future i shall get hold of some motor drivers L298 / L297 (or something Similar) but for now i just used LEDs to see that it all worked.
Test setup for the controlling software

This is how the code works:
If the forwards button is pressed both motors will spin forwards.
If forward is pressed with either left or right only one of the motors will spin in a forwards direction (the same applies to if the back button is pressed in combination with left or right.)
If the forwards and backwards switch are pressed then the motors will brake, ( power to both leads on a motor stops the shaft from rotating.)
If only left or only right is pressed one of the motors will spin forward while the other spins backwards, making the car spin on the spot.

Ill upload the code at a later stage.
